Why it is so important

to re-grip your clubs

Have you noticed your golf grips are starting to look a little worn? Maybe they just don’t have that same feel you’re used to? Well, chances are it’s time to regrip your clubs. Grips are often overlooked but in fact, they are extremely important as the grip is the only part of the club a golfer actually touches.

Ben Hogan said that a good grip is the most important element of a golf swing. Getting golf clubs re-gripped is essential to peak performance. If the grip is old and too slick, the golfer will try and compensate by tightening up their grip and their forearm muscles. This will decrease performance and power in the golf swing, and possible hand injuries.

Signs you should replace your grips include:
• Noticeable wearing
• Cracks
• Shiny or slick spots
• Smooth or hard surfaces

But even if your grips pass the eye test, you’ll still want to take into consideration how they feel. If your grips begin to get slick, they need to be replaced.

A good rule of thumb is to regrip your golf clubs at least once a year. Some golfers even prefer to regrip their clubs in the spring to start each season fresh. However, there are several variables to consider, including how often you play.

The more rounds you play, obviously, the quicker your grips are going to wear out. An avid golfer can expect to regrip their clubs three times during the year. It’s not just about how many rounds of 18 you can get in. If you’re also a frequent visitor to the driving range, try practising with different clubs to help preserve your grips.

Other factors to consider when regripping your clubs include if you wear a golf glove and the weather conditions you typically play in. Regularly playing in a hot, humid climate can also cause the grip to wear out faster. For example, playing in warm weather will likely cause you to sweat more. As sweat, oil and dirt leave your hands and enter a grip’s pores, the grip begins to clog up and become unplayable.

Think it’s time for some new grips? Drop your clubs into your local On Course Pro Shop today!